Use "fell on his back|fall on his back" in a sentence

1. He could always fall back on his old jokes.

2. He then keeled over and fell flat on his back.

3. 4 He could always fall back on his old jokes.

4. He fell back at these words, turned Convulsively on his side and expired

5. He fell back, shocked, his face ashen.

6. Mackay fell back on Stirling, having lost three-quarters of his men on the battlefield or through desertion.

7. The stool hit the Cupbearer on his right hand and knocked him down: the man fell with a cry flat on his back, and his wine-jug fell ringing to the ground

8. A cascade of golden hair fell down his back.

9. He yelled for his men to fall back.

10. Did Jasper lie on his back?

11. Heat rash rises on his back.

12. And now he turn his back on his Boss

13. His father was on his back night and day.

14. Danskin rolled over on his back, his belly heaving.

15. He fell back into the water, his breath rasping in his heaving chest.

16. My eyes fell instead on Idi, his back taking up a sizeable portion of the first pew.

17. He fell back into the water, his breath rasping in his heaving chest.sentencedict .com

18. His initials were engraved on the back of his watch.

19. He had an itch on his back.

20. 30 My eyes fell instead on Idi, his back taking up a sizeable portion of the first pew.

21. Unable to defeat him by logical discussion, she fell back on her old habit of criticizing his speech.

22. 25 Lacking a better alternative,( Father Maier fell back on his bottomless faith in discernment and agreed.

23. He fell back, blood welling from a gash in his thigh.

24. Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.

25. From then on, he cut back his work and his expenses.

26. Miguel headed back to his apartment to check on his stash.

27. 19 His initials were engraved on the back of his watch.

28. Hugh felt the relentless sun on his back.

29. Dave helps Jerry get back on his feet.

30. The escaped boy doubled back on his tracks.

31. The punch rocked him back on his heels.

32. Gallagher drove his fist into his face and sent him sprawling on his back.

33. 1 Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.

34. She has no relatives to fall back on.

35. No longer could he fall back on the comforting routines of the novitiate to give structure to his life.

36. Better sit on his back and pump him out.

37. His back tyre just went pop on a motorway.

38. He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling.

39. Our dog has a black patch on his back.

40. Someone bashed him on the back of his head.

41. Hirobo Obeketang sits back on his couch and smiles.

42. On the back of his dragon Balerion the Dread.

43. Steve answered curtly and turned his back on me.

44. He will not turn his back on the afflicted.

45. The patient tried to sit up but fell back weakly onto his pillows.

46. (often with on) retract, withdraw, retreat, draw back, recant, back-pedal The finance minister Backtracked on his decision

47. According to his family, there were bruises on his back, legs, and arms.

48. And Fraser's on his knees, arms tied behind his back, and he's crying.

49. With the back of his hand, he rubbed the stubble on his chin.

50. If Mr. Jones can't find a job as a teacher, he can fall back on his skill as a printer.

51. I've got to have something to fall back on.

52. We had centuries of contacts to fall back on.

53. 13 No longer could he fall back on the comforting routines of the novitiate to give structure to his life.

54. His complaints fell on deaf ears.

55. 5 She has no relatives to fall back on.

56. The guard fell on his backside.

57. He rested his arms on the back of the chair.

58. Such behaviour warrants a smart kick back on his backside.

59. • On his current album he turns his back on those signatures for a more live, Bluesy feeling.

60. 6 Someone bashed him on the back of his head.

61. He felt a tickle on the back of his neck.

62. The offender gets down on his knees... and his back is opened with knives.

63. 30 And their continued existence, damn them, means this writer can no longer fall back on one of his favourite lines.

64. 22 If Mr. Jones can't find a job as a teacher, he can fall back on his skill as a printer.

65. His hair fell out and re-grew on his shoulders.

66. Fall back!

67. 10 We had centuries of contacts to fall back on.

68. 11 I've got to have something to fall back on.

69. Where negotiation fails, they must fall back on the law.

70. 5 More and more leaves had begun to fall, some on his naked back, and some scattered in his hair, where they remained like Bacchanalian vine leaves.

71. 19 With the back of his hand,[] he rubbed the stubble on his chin.

72. 17 He would rather die than go back on his comrades.

73. He sat back watching her; a quizzical look on his face.

74. His father managed to clear the obstruction by slapping Christopher on his back 7 times.

75. His eye fell on a misspelled word.

76. He sat back on to his knees and undid her bodice.

77. He rocked back and forth on his heels as he laughed.

78. I scribbled his phone number on the back of an envelope.

79. He took Deianira on his back and in midstream insulted her.

80. He continued to lie on his back and look at clouds.